Cookieless Tracking

…First-party cookies (aka session cookies) Third-party cookies (aka persistent cookies) First-party cookies are set by the particular website you visit. These are stored by the website in temporary memory and…

Blog: The 7 GDPR Principles: A Guide to Compliance

…the cookie consent banner. Privacy notices must be accessible at all times. To ensure your cookies are GDPR compliant, you must: Get consent before using any cookies (except strictly necessary…

Piwik PRO vs Matomo

…exchange 3P cookies with advertisers, Google Analytics 4 still relies on third-party cookies (to an extent). Matomo and Piwik PRO, on the other hand, don’t collect third-party cookies by default….

Blog: 7 Best Marketing Attribution Software in 2024

…their tags. These third-party cookies have long been under fire and have caused several GDPR fines. The alternative: analytics platforms with first-party cookies In a post-GDPR digital marketing landscape, a…