FAQ: How to delete a dimension

…using the example above, the full command would look like this: ./console customdimensions:remove-custom-dimension –scope=visit –index=1 Note: You can find more information on using the Matomo Console via command line here….

FAQ: How do I track form conversions?

…We recommend this option if you have a page that visitors land on after completing a form, such as a thank-you page. As soon as a visitor visits a page…

FAQ: The Visitors Overview report

…with Conversions Pageviews Unique Pageviews Downloads Unique Downloads Outlinks Unique Outlinks Avg. generation time You can select multiple metrics if you want to compare them. For example, to compare the…

FAQ: Does Matomo support IPv6 protocol?

…display IPv6 addresses. IP Anonymisation privacy feature will anonymise IPv6 addresses. For example if Matomo is configured to anonymise “1 byte” from an IPv4, then the IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:8d3:0:8a2e:70:7344 would…

FAQ: How do I view Matomo application logs?

…you experience any problem and want to troubleshoot your Matomo installation, for example when some tracking requests are not processed correctly. Configuring logging in Matomo By default Matomo won’t show…