Introduction to Page Analytics ReportsImportant page analytics metrics to understandExplore analytics for specific pages in more detailSet a custom URL using the Matomo Javascript trackerForce Matomo to only track Page URLs that belong to my websiteExtract data from the ‘Others’ rowWhat is an ‘Entry page’?Entry Pages Reports: Which pages are making a good first impression?What is an ‘Exit Page’?Exit Pages Report: Discover Why People Leave Your SiteAnalysing pages by Title Reports instead of URL ReportsSome of the Page URLs are tracked in duplicate (for example both “Default.aspx” and “default.aspx” are tracked as different pages), how do I force Matomo to record them as the same custom url?How do I see the pages that most visitors landed on? How do I access the top pages people use before leaving the websites?Control the categories tree structure in the Page URLs and Page titles reportsWhat is “page title not defined” in the Page titles report?Improve accuracy of “Time spent on page” and “Visit duration” metricsWhat is “page url not defined” in the Pages report?Set a custom page title using the Matomo javascript titleWhy do I see my page titles translated in a different language in the “Page titles” report?Track Page Scrolls or Page Scroll Depth in MatomoHow to track error pages (404 pages) in Matomo? Which URLs are 404 and which referrers lead to these pages?Track the URL Hash tags so that the #hash appears in the Page URLs report, and in Visitor LogWhat is the maximum URL length and how do I track long Page URLs and Page Titles without truncating them?