FAQ: Import Yandex search keywords into Matomo

…client ID and password. Use the Client ID and password to set up the client configuration within Matomo. You can now start connecting your account(s) and setting up import for

FAQ: White labelling Matomo

…to test that your server allows requests to the following URL: https://analytics.example.com/js/tracker.php. To activate the feature, tick the Whitelabel tracking endpoint tickbox and click Save. After enabling this feature you…

FAQ: Disadvantages of Campaign Tracking URLs

…well for print campaigns as the final URLs are usually too complex for users to type in manually. Some potential solutions for this are link shortening services like YOURLS.org or…

FAQ: Test new Content Tracking blocks are working

…browser. You can do this by visiting a page with content tracking enabled on your website, opening your browser console and running the following command: _paq.push([‘logAllContentBlocksOnPage’]) This will load an…