FAQ: Is Matomo Analytics HIPAA compliant?

…and install Matomo on infrastructure and servers you own or lease from a HIPAA compliant webhosting company. (The official Matomo Cloud service is not HIPAA compliant.) Partner with web hosting…

FAQ: Implement event tracking with Matomo

…links with the JavaScript onClick function so they look a little something like this: <a href=”mailto:name@example.com” title=”Email Us” onclick=”_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Contact’, ‘Email Link Click’, ‘name@example.com’]);”>Email Us</a> As you can see above,…

FAQ: Requirements for Matomo On-Premise

…PHP version 5.5.9 or PHP 7.x.) MySQL version 5.5 or greater, or MariaDB. Important: There is a known compatibility issue with MariaDB 11.5.2 and Matomo 5.1 affecting archiving. We are…

FAQ: Is Matomo Analytics LOPDGDD and LSSI compliant?

…to configure Matomo Analytics to be LOPDGDD compliant How to configure Matomo Analytics in a LSSI-compliant way You can configure Matomo to ensure compliance with Spain’s Protection of Personal Data…

FAQ: Advanced: How to Manually Build Campaign Tracking URLs

…the alternative fragment system by adding campaign parameters after a # symbol, with each subsequent parameter separated by an & as shown below: https://example.com/#mtm_campaign=documentation&mtm_keyword=demo Campaign Tracking Compatibility with Alternative URL…

FAQ: Create and edit annotations

Table of contents How to create annotations How to edit and delete annotations How to delete annotations Highlight important annotations You can add annotations to any row evolution chart showing…

Blog: Your introduction to personally identifiable information: What is PII?

…We encourage every business and website to take data privacy seriously and discuss these issues with your lawyer if you have any concerns. Additional resources: https://www.consumeraffairs.com/finance/identity-theft-statistics.html#identity-theft-trends-in-2019 https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en https://iclg.com/practice-areas/data-protection-laws-and-regulations/usa https://www.csoonline.com/article/3215864/how-to-protect-personally-identifiable-information-pii-under-gdpr.html https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/key-definitions/what-is-personal-data/…