Matomo may in rare cases display an error such as ‘Oops… there was a problem during the request.’ or ‘Internal Server Error’ or ‘500 error’.

When you have such problem, please follow the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. The most common solution to the message Oops... there was a problem during the request. is to setup Auto-Archiving in your Matomo by following these two steps:
    a) Enabling the crontab to run the core:archive command and
    b) Disabling Archive reports when viewed from the browser in the General Settings.
  2. If the error persists, or you’re getting a white screen/page (sometimes called the ‘White screen of death’), it indicates that there is a problem on the server: check in your web server error log file for an error message. See troubleshooting tips.
  3. When you find an error message in your server error log, then search for this message in the Matomo FAQ.
  4. If you do not find the answer in a FAQ, maybe it is a bug in Matomo. Search for the message in our issue tracker here.
  5. If you still have a problem and could not resolve it with those steps, please ask in the forums.
Previous FAQ: How do I make Matomo for WordPress work when I have a custom content directory?