Set up Ecommerce Tracking in Matomo
There are two main stages to setting up Ecommerce tracking inside Matomo. In the first stage you’ll need to make sure you have enabled Ecommerce tracking within the Matomo interface. You can configure this when creating a new website in Matomo or you can add it later. Instructions for both scenarios are available below.
Stage One: Enabling Ecommerce Tracking in Matomo
How to set up a New Ecommerce Website in Matomo
If you are using Matomo for WordPress, then you can skip this part is Ecommerce tracking is enabled by default in “Matomo Analytics -> Settings”.
The simplest way to set up Ecommerce tracking is by enabling it when you are adding a new website to Matomo.
- Log into Matomo as a Super User.
- Click All Websites in the blue top menu to bring up the list of your existing sites (if any) and then click to Add a new website. This will bring up some options to define what you are measuring.
- Click on the Website button to confirm.
- Complete the necessary details about the website, such as the name and URL. You will find a short description of what each field should contain in a grey box next to it.
- Several fields down you will reach the Ecommerce settings. By default, new websites are set as Not an Ecommerce site so you will have to click on this dropdown to select Ecommerce enabled.
- In the following field, select the primary Currency that you operate in. This will impact both your Ecommerce and Goals reports.
- Finally hit the green Save button and your new Ecommerce site will be enabled within Matomo. Congratulations, you can skip to Stage Two!
Enabling Ecommerce tracking for an existing website in Matomo
If you are already tracking a website inside Matomo without Ecommerce enabled, you will need to update your website settings to turn on Ecommerce tracking.
- Click on the settings cog icon
in the Top Menu.
- Visit the Measurables/Websites section from the Main Navigation on the left-hand side.
- Find the website you’d like to update and click the Edit icon.
Note: you will need the “Write” permission to be able to edit the website.
- Scroll down the page until you reach the E commerce dropdown menu, and select Ecommerce enabled.
- Select the appropriate Currency option in the dropdown that follows.
- Scroll down and hit the green Save button to finish the first stage of setting up Ecommerce tracking.
- To confirm that everything is working as expected click on the Dashboard link in the top menu. You should now see the Ecommerce menu item within the main navigation on the left hand side.
Stage Two: Enabling Ecommerce Tracking on Your Ecommerce Platform
The second stage consists of integrating Matomo Ecommerce tracking code with your website. Thanks to a large ecosystem of organisations using Matomo and developing integrations for third-party platforms, there are lots of ready-made plugins and extensions you can use to enable Ecommerce tracking. You can find a full list of these, along with their setup instructions on the Matomo integrations page.
Matomo for WordPress
In addition to the standard integrations there is also a dedicated version of Matomo for WordPress. The WordPress version of Matomo offers support for tracking the following Ecommerce plugins out of the box:
Note: If you are using Matomo On-Premise with your WordPress site, you can track your WooCommerce orders with the Matomo WooCommerce Analytics plugin instead.
What if there isn’t an integration for my Ecommerce platform?
If you are using a custom Ecommerce solution without a ready-made integration, then you will need to implement Matomo Ecommerce tracking yourself. You can do this by adding the required JavaScript snippets to your cart’s custom code. These can be found in the advanced developer reference. If you get stuck along the way, there is a helpful community of contributors on the Matomo forum.
If you develop a new Matomo integration for your Ecommerce platform, it’d be wonderful if you would consider releasing it as open-source software! We would be happy to credit you and share it through our integrations page. It’s not uncommon for open-source projects to receive additional outside support, which can improve the end result for the whole analytics community.