Media Analytics gives you insights for many metrics for each of your video and audio, in particular:

  • How often was a page viewed, that had a video or audio included.
  • How often was a video or audio actually started.
  • How often did a visitor finish viewing a video or listening to audio.
  • How long did a visitor watch a video or listen to audio.
  • How far in the video or audio did the visitor watch or listen.
  • How often the video was viewed in fullscreen.
  • How many unique users have watched or listened to your media (where each user is counted only once).
  • How many unique users have viewed a page where a video or audio was included.

It also reports various metrics processed for each video and audio such as:

  • “Play rate”: the percentage of visitors that watched or listened to media after they have visited a page where this media was included.
  • “Finish rate”: the percentage of visitors who played media and finished it.
  • “Completion rate”: the percentage of how much visitors have watched of a video or listened to audio.
  • “Fullscreen rate”: the percentage of visitors that opened a video in fullscreen.
  • “Average Time To Play”: the average amount of time it took a visitor to start playing the media since the page was loaded.
  • “Average Time spent watching”: the average amount of time a visitor spent watching or listening to media.
  • “Average Media Length”: the average length of a video or audio media file.
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