Google implemented its Consent Mode v2 in 2023, and it is now compulsory when using Google advertising and measurement products.

Consent Mode v2 is a Google-specific requirement that does not affect Matomo unless you tie Matomo tracking or cookies to Consent Mode v2 status. For example, this could occur if your CMP prevents Matomo from tracking unless Consent Mode v2 consent is provided.

Matomo does not offer direct support for Google Consent Mode, primarily because Matomo does not provide a Consent Management Platform (CMP). However, we do offer integration guides for several popular CMPs, which you can find here.

As an example, CookieBot provides an FAQ for Google Consent Mode here.

You will likely want to ensure the CMP you use is compatible with Google Consent Mode v2.

If you are using our Advertising Conversion Export feature, the export will contain the columns “Ad User Data” and “Ad Personalization” which are required by Google Ads, but at the moment these fields are not populated with data as Matomo does not collect this information.

You can read more about Google Consent Mode v2 on our blog here.

Previous FAQ: Using Complianz for WordPress Consent Manager with Matomo