Matomo Cloud users can add an additional subdomain (alias) to their existing instance at no extra cost. Both the original subdomain and the new alias will work simultaneously, providing multiple ways to access the same Matomo instance.

Can I change my Matomo Cloud subdomain?

Matomo Cloud does not replace your existing subdomain but allows you to add an additional subdomain (alias) at no extra cost.

How to request a subdomain alias?

To request a new subdomain alias, contact Matomo Cloud support and provide your current subdomain (e.g., and the new subdomain alias (e.g.,

Both the original subdomain ( and the new alias ( will work simultaneously to access the same Matomo instance.

1. Update your tracking code

After the alias is set up, update your Matomo tracking code to use the preferred subdomain.

  1. Locate all instances of your Matomo tracking code in your website’s source code.
  2. Update the Matomo URL to the new subdomain.
  3. Save and deploy the changes.

2. Update Matomo Tag Manager (if applicable)

If you are using Matomo Tag Manager (MTM), you will need to update the Matomo Configuration Variable.

  1. Go to Matomo Tag Manager > Variables.
  2. Open the Matomo Configuration Variable and update the Matomo URL to reflect the new subdomain (alias).
  3. Save and publish the updated container.

3. Adjust API calls and integrations

  1. If you use the Matomo API, ensure that all API requests are updated to point to the new subdomain.
  2. Review any scripts, applications, or services that interact with Matomo via the API.
  3. Ensure that any external platforms (e.g., CRM, BI tools, reporting dashboards) referencing the original Matomo subdomain are updated.
  4. If using Matomo’s Data Export features, verify that the source and destination configurations reflect the new subdomain.

4. Verify tracking

After updating your tracking code, visit your website and check the Visits in Real-time report in Matomo to confirm that data is being tracked correctly under the new subdomain.

If Matomo is not tracking, check the following:

  1. Ensure that your Matomo tracking code references the new subdomain and correct Site ID in your tracking code.
  2. If using API-based tracking, verify that your auth_token is still valid after updating subdomain.
  3. If using Matomo Tag Manager (MTM), confirm that the Matomo Configuration Variable is updated with the new subdomain and republished.

For further troubleshooting, read more about common tracking issues and how to resolve them.

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