How do I find the JavaScript tracker URL that is used in Matomo for WordPress?
- Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
- In the left menu click on Matomo Analytics -> Settings. You should now be in the tab for the “Tracking” settings.
- Locate the setting for “Endpoint for JavaScript tracker” (likely at the very end)
- Click on the question mark on the right
- The help text should appear showing you the path to your JS tracker file
- It’s typically
unless you change the setting to Rest API in which case it be usually something likehttps://yourdomain/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/
Alternatively, you can also find the path to the JS tracker file in the diagnostics report by clicking in the WP admin left menu on “Matomo Analytics -> Diagnostics” and then locating the “Matomo -> Endpoints” section.