How do I find and copy the system check in Matomo On-Premise?
If you are using Matomo for WordPress please click here. If you are on the Matomo Cloud, please let our support know that you are using our Cloud hosted service. In this case you won’t need to send us a system report.
If you have a problem with your Matomo we may ask you to send us your system check (or system report) so we can better understand and replicate the problem. To find the system check please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Matomo as a super user
- Click on the cog icon in the top right navigation to go to the administration area.
- In the left menu click on the “System Check” link which you find under the “Diagnostics” section
- You will now see a button “Copy System Check” and “Download System Check”.
- The copy button will copy the entire system check into your clipboard. Use this if you want to paste the content for example in our Matomo GitHub issue tracker.
- The download button will trigger the download of a text file that contains the system report so you can easily attach it for example to an email.
- The copied content of the system check should be anonymised and not contain private or sensitive information so it can be easily shared.
Please note that this feature is only available from Matomo 4 and newer.
Next FAQ: How to troubleshoot the error ‘Oops, there was a problem with the request’ for Matomo On-Premise