To configure Matomo to send emails via a SMTP server, follow these 2 steps:

Step 1 (required)

To configure a SMTP server for Matomo, login as the Super User, go to Administration > System > General Settings. Under ‘Email server settings’ you may configure the SMTP server form as follows

  • Use SMTP server for e-mail. For Gmail SMTP use YES
  • SMTP server address. For Gmail SMTP use
  • SMTP Port. For Gmail SMTP use 465
  • Authentication method for SMTP. For Gmail SMTP use Login
  • SMTP username. For Gmail SMTP use your gmail username
  • SMTP password. For Gmail SMTP use App specific password
  • SMTP encryption. For Gmail SMTP use SSL

Step 2 (required for Gmail as SMTP)

Follow these steps to configure SMTP via a account:

  • Log into Gmail
  • Go to your Google Account page (click on account icon, select “Manage your Google Account”)
  • Click on Security tab
  • Enable two-step verification (if not already enabled)
  • Go to App Passwords page
  • Select Mail and device (e.g. Matomo Server Emails) and generate.
  • Enter this generated “App password” in Matomo > Settings > Email server settings

All Matomo emails (Scheduled PDF Reports, Password reset confirmation, etc.) will now be sent using Gmail servers.

If the emails are not sending correctly, we have a short troubleshooting guide.

Previous FAQ: How do I configure Matomo on a server without Internet?