Go to Matomo. In the left menu click “Crashes” and then select a Crash Analytics report of your choice.


The “Overview” report gives you an overview of the crashes that have occurred on your site, including which crashes are new, which have disappeared, and which have reappeared within the currently selected period.

A screenshot of the Crash Analytics "Overview" report. A time series of crash occurrences is first, followed by a set of sparklines for individualCrash Analytics metrics, followed by a reports for New crashes, Reappeared crashes and Disappeared crashes.

Pro-tip: use annotations to mark important dates for your product or website so you can see crash trends in relation to release dates.


With the Real-time report you can see what crashes your users are experiencing right now, allowing you to respond immediately if needed.

A screenshot of the Crash Analytics Real-Time reports showing the following reports: an overview of crash metrics for the last 30 minutes, an overview of crash metrics for the last 8 hours, the top crashes that occurred in the last 30 minutes, the top crashes that occurred in the last 8 hours, newly encountered crashes in the last 8 hours, crashes that have reappeared in the last 8 hours and crashes that have disappeared in the last 8 hours.

All Crashes

This report provides information about every crash that occurs within the currently selected period. This includes detailed information about every crash as well as crashes by different dimensions, like crashes by Page URL and crashes by originating Source File.

A screenshot of the Crash Analytics plugin's All Crashes reporting page. At the top is the Crash Messages report displaying crash metricsby message. Below is a selector for a set of reports displaying crash metrics by: Page URL, Page Title, Source, Category, First Party, Third Party, Is New, Has Reappeared and Has Disappeared.

Inspecting Crash Details

On every report that displays crashes there’s a row action you can use to inspect the details of each crash:

A screenshot of the mouse hovering over the row of a crash analytics report displaying crashes. The 'See Crash Details' row action is visible and being hovered over.

Here you can find detailed information of a crash including a full stack trace and visits that experienced the crash.

A screenshot of the Crash Details popup. At the top is a summary of the crash including the message, type, category, source location, the most recent page URL the crash occurred on, the most recent stack trace, the date the crash was first seen and the date the crash was last seen. Underneath the summary are buttons labeled 'Copy Crash Information', 'Email Crash Information' and 'Ignore this crash'. At the end of the popup is the Context page that shows visits for the last N crash occurrences. Each visit is displayed in a card. On the left is detailed information about the visit, including the browser, OS and device used. On the right the last 5 pageviews that occurred before the crash are displayed. And at the bottom of each visit card is the source and stack trace for this specific crash occurrence. After the list of cards are pagination controls. In the upper right portion of the Context section is a period selector that allows you to change the period that the context displays crashes for.

If a crash is not important to you, this is also where you can ignore it so it will no longer appear in your reports.

Note: If you have disabled the visits log, you will only see limited information for a couple of the most recent crash occurrences:

A screenshot of the crash details popup when the Visitor Log is disabled. The summary is at the top and is unchanged, it still displayes the crash message, type, category, source, a recent page the crash occurred on, a recent stack trace for the crash, the date the crash was first seen and the date the crash was last seen. The buttons to copy information for, email information for, and ignore the crash are still below the summary. The context section is changed displaying much less information. There are at most only five crashes displayed in cards which are the most recent crashes the site experienced. On the left side of each card is the date of the visit, the browser, operating system and type of device that was used. On the right side of the card is the source and stack trace of the specific crash event. This is all that's displayed. And there is no period selector to change the date range the crashes are displayed for.