Introducing Updates to the Funnels Feature 

We’ve made improvements to the Funnels feature to be more user-friendly and offer you greater flexibility.  Here’s what’s changing: Setting up and managing funnels is now easier than ever  Previously, creating funnels was tedious and required going through the Goals …

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Discovering our premium on-premise features

In our latest release (Matomo 4.16), we’ve enhanced visibility to the premium On-Premise features within Matomo. Now, it’s easier to maximise the potential of your Matomo On-Premise setup while also supporting our open-source project. By default, Matomo On-Premise instances will …

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Introducing Crash Analytics for Matomo 

Bugs and development go hand in hand. As code matures, it contends with new browser iterations, clashes with ad blockers and other software quirks, resulting in the inevitable emergence of bugs. In fact, a staggering 13% of all pageviews come …

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Introducing Matomo SEO Web Vitals

SEO Web Vitals track your critical website performance metrics and are a core element of SEO best practice.  Start using Matomo SEO Web Vitals to monitor your website performance, optimise your visitor experience, improve your search result rankings, and see …

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