Making sure people access the right resources on a defence department’s website is meaningful insights

In order to serve the public better, defence agencies need to ensure they’re understanding what people find most useful, with powerful insights. With a web analytics tool like Matomo, you’re able to get a deep understanding of your community’s patterns of behaviours to find out how to meet their needs.

Simplify your defence department's web analytics by finding out exactly how to best serve the public on your website

Ensure the public know the value of defence by strategically crafting your website to make it easy for them to find that information. With conversion optimization tools you can also figure out the best ways to get more leads and ultimately motivate more people to sign up to the cause.

Keeping people safe also starts with keeping their data safe. This is achieved with Matomo as we guarantee 100% data ownership. Having full control means you ensure sensitive data doesn’t end up in the wrong hands and that your users privacy is fully respected.

Analytics for security businesses

Why do defence departments businesses choose Matomo?

Self-host your analytics with Matomo On-Premise

Options to host your analytics on your own servers/infrastructure is rarely available with other tools, but by choosing to host your web analytics with Matomo On-Premise you can do just that.

This is beneficial for defence departments that need to stay in control of and restrict access to very sensitive information.

The On-Premise hosting option means Matomo is free to download, however, premium features are also available to take your basic On-Premise account to the next level for a better optimised site.

On-Premise Analytics
Data ownership

100% data ownership

Defence industries can trust Matomo knowing with certainty that no third-parties are looking in and gaining access to critical data.

This applies to both On-Premise and Cloud hosting options, which also gives you the flexibility to export your data at any time and change between hosting options whenever you please.

Peace of mind

User-Privacy Protection – Matomo is trusted and used by industries that have strict compliance and data privacy regulations to ensure that their user’s privacy is protected.

Security – Security is a top priority at Matomo. As potential issues are discovered, we validate, patch and release fixes as quickly as we can. We have a security bug bounty programme in place that rewards researchers for finding security issues and disclosing them to us.

Peace of mind
GDPR Manager

GDPR Manager

Matomo offers an advanced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Manager to ensure websites are fully compliant with the new EU regulation which affects defense departments worldwide. As the GDPR continues to evolve, you can be assured that Matomo will be at the forefront of these changes to create a safer web experience for everyone.

Matomo ensures its customers are fully GDPR compliant with Matomo’s GDPR Manager which allows you to meet your users needs when they request:

✔ Right of access
✔ Right to withdraw consent
✔ Supports “Do Not Track”
✔ Right to data portability
✔ Right to object
✔ Delete historical data
✔ Right to erasure
✔ Anonymising features
✔ Anonymise historical data

No data sampling

Did you know that accurate data reporting is often capped when using a tool like Google Analytics?

Meaning once your website traffic reaches a certain limit, the data then becomes a guess rather than factual. Read more here

With Matomo you get 100% accurate data. It’s totally up to you how much data you store and for how long.

Defence departments working with large data sets will need this. No other tool will give you the freedom to gain insights without limitations which is a big bonus for departments with demanding data requirements.

This is where tools like Google Analytics become extremely limited and cashes in with their GA Premium suite. At Matomo, we believe all data should be reported 100% accurately. 

Want to compare Matomo with Google Analytics 360?

No data sampling
Intranet analytics

Intranet Analytics

Matomo Analytics lets you access reports showing how your Intranet content is accessed across your internal sites, so you can learn to improve the content and experience for your users and colleagues using the websites.

It provides an overview of traffic and general patterns and insights, as well as allowing you to drill down to visitor paths.

Matomo's other recommendations​

Log Analytics – You can use server log analytics as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users if the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible or if you need to comply with strict security policies.

Form Analytics – gives you powerful insights into how your visitors interact with your forms. The plugin adds many new segments, reports and widgets to your Matomo that help you find the pain points in your forms. This lets you ultimately optimise your forms and maximise your success.

Site search – to show what terms people are searching for most. Which page is most visited to show the effectiveness of policies – that people are trying to find out more about particular initiatives

Downloads – what users are downloading off the website.

Outlinks – where users are clicking away from on the website.

Matomo Community

"As one of the leading secure and private email solutions attaches the utmost importance to security and respect for privacy. We therefore selected Matomo as our open source digital analytics platform, in order to track traffic on our commercial site while preserving total control of the data and fully respect the privacy of our users."