FAQ: Improving Your SEO Web Vitals

…internet connections as they only download data when necessary. Efficiently encode images It is often possible to compress images for smaller file sizes on the web without noticeably impacting the…

FAQ: Setting up accurate visitors geolocation

…to be very accurate.) What about World Maps and Region maps? Matomo comes with beautiful world map, but also detailed per-country region and cities maps! Learn more about our Visitor…

FAQ: Set up login with SAML authentication

…this feature, you must specify special values for SAML access attributes. For example: view: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:1,2,3;myotherserver.com:all admin: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:all;mythirdserver.com:3,4 superuser: myotherserver.com;myotherserver.com/otherMatomo If you don’t want to use URLs in your access attributes,…

FAQ: Visitors Maps – World, region, city

…you an idea of approximately how many visits are represented by each colour. You can also hover your mouse over a specific region to see how many visits come from…

Matomo is Free Open-Source Software

…used, as it stands for Free and Open Source Software. Free software principles Quoting the Free Software Foundation’s “What is Free Software”, the four freedoms at the core of free