Matomo premium features are available on the Matomo Marketplace where you can free trial and purchase a premium feature subscription.

Get started with how to free trial and purchase Matomo premium features and then follow this guide for installation options.

Install a premium feature

  1. After purchasing a premium feature on the Matomo Marketplace and checkout is complete, you will receive a licence key on the order page and email.
  2. If this is the first time you are activating your licence key, copy this key to your clipboard or note editor.
  3. Open Matomo > Administration > Plugins > License key and paste the key in the field and click Activate.
  4. You can click Install Purchased Plugins to install all purchased plugins or open the Matomo > Marketplace page and click the enabled Install button for the activated premium feature. Note you may need to refresh the page to see the enabled buttons.
  5. Alternatively, download the plugin zip file from your Marketplace account using your licence key and then upload the zip to Matomo. Learn more on how to install a new plugin.

Note: From Matomo On-Premises 4.6, you can also configure the licence key on the command line using the command ./console marketplace:set-license-key –license-key=ENTER_LICENSE_KEY.

And that’s it! The installation of a premium feature is as easy as copy/pasting the license key and clicking a button. Because one licence key is linked to all purchased premium features, you only need to enter that key once. The next time you purchase a premium feature, you simply click on Install to get up and running.

Install a premium feature when the Matomo server has no internet access

You can install a premium feature if your Matomo Analytics server does not have access to the internet, for example in an intranet or if you have manually disabled internet features in Matomo.

  1. Download your premium feature as a zip file from your Marketplace account using your licence key. Save the file to a portable device.
  2. On the Matomo server, enable the option to upload a zip file by adding enable_plugin_upload=1 under [General] in your config/config.ini.php file.
  3. Login to Matomo as a Super User and go to the Administration page.
  4. Click Plugins > Upload a plugin in .zip format.
  5. Locate the plugin zip file on the portable device.
  6. Enter your Matomo password and click Upload zip file.
  7. Click Activate to complete the installation of the new premium feature.

Update a premium feature

Updates for premium features work just like regular plugin updates. When there is a new update available, you will see a notification in the Matomo user interface. You will also receive an email (if enabled under General Settings). To upgrade the feature, simply click on Update and you’re done!

Manually access a plugin update

You can access the plugins section of Matomo in Administration > Plugins > Manage Plugins page. Read more about Plugins and Themes.

What support is provided for premium features?

Premium features are a core part of our daily operations and our team is committed to providing support for premium features developed by the Matomo team. Our online resources are also available to guide you through any questions.

Previous FAQ: How to free trial and purchase Matomo Premium Features