Matomo 1.3 released!


We are happy to announce immediate availability of Matomo (Piwik) 1.3!

Here are some highlights for this new release:

1) Custom Date Range

One of the most requested features is now available: you can request reports for any custom date range, in the User Interface and the API.

In the Analytics API, you can request reports for custom date ranges by simply setting &period=range&date=2011-01-15,2011-02-20

2) Improved performance

Thanks to the feedback from Matomo power users, we have improved performance in the Visits Tracker and Reports Archiving.

The Live! real time widget is also now working fine even on high traffic websites!

3) Improved Goal Tracking options

Goals now have 2 new options which you can choose when creating a Goal in Matomo:

  • Goals can now be triggered when visitors Visit a given Page Title
  • Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit
    We recommend to select this option for example for ECommerce Goals, where a visitor might make several orders in the same visit, and you wish to track all these orders as Goal conversions.

4) Improved Tracking API

The Matomo Tracking API has been really succesful among the Matomo community, and feedback is very good about this API used to track visits, pages, goals, and custom data…

We added a few new API features to the existing Tracking API:

  • possibility to record a pageview, action, visit or goal conversion to a specific Visitor ID via setVisitorId( “33c31e01394bdc63” );
  • added function in the Javascript client, and the PHP client, to request the currently assigned visitor ID via getVisitorId()
  • added function to set and get the Attribution Information, containing referrer details to attribute the correct referrer to Goal Conversions (even days after the visitor found the website), see setAttributionInfo (string $jsonEncoded) and the javascript function getAttributionInfo() for more information

5) Improved Live! widget and Visitor Log

Check out the new Visitor Log & Live! widget. As well as being much faster than before, they will now show the clicks, file downloads and Goal conversions of your visitors. A few bugs were also fixed. We hope you will enjoy playing with this new tool.


Matomo 1.3 has been tested over the last 2 weeks by many Matomo users – thanks to all who submitted feedback!

Thanks also to our sponsors and the work of Matomo team and consultants.

We really appreciate if you can write a blog post about Matomo, or tell your friends, to let the world know about the best open source web analytics software!

We hope you enjoy this new release,

Happy Analytics!

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