FAQ: How to create a Matomo Cloud account

…example below: Above shows the account name will be MYCOMPANY.MATOMO.CLOUD, as it extracts the website name from www.MYCOMPANY.com. For agencies or companies that manage several websites (i.e. www.mycompany1.com, www.mycompany2.com, etc.),…

FAQ: Reseller Guide for Matomo Analytics Plugins

…Your systems may also have “InnoCraft” as a company name. Where do I get the current price for a plugin? Select which plugin you require from: https://plugins.matomo.org/premium Are there any…

FAQ: Post-deploy checklist for your Matomo instance

…one-click update to work) https://plugins.matomo.org (for the Marketplace) https://github.com https://geolite.maxmind.com ☐ The crontab entry is created on at least one server and runs successfully. When the script fails with an…

FAQ: Examples of custom alerts

…dropped off or increased (for example after making changes to the website or removing products). Note: this alert compares results to a previous day. Other comparisons include, Same day in…

FAQ: Does Matomo have a secure infrastructure?

…program on Hackerone The Matomo Cloud service is hosted by us on AWS secure infrastructure. Our Matomo cloud solution is hosted by AWS. AWS is compliant with all major security…