Matomo Tag Manager (MTM) lets you manage all your tags in one platform, so you do not need to include additional scripts in your website code to gain valuable insights about your audience.

By using the LinkedIn Insights Tag in Tag Manager, you can monitor your LinkedIn ads and leverage Campaign Manager features like Conversion Tracking and audience retargeting.

Note: You should avoid placing the LinkedIn Insight Tag on web pages that collect and process visitor data without obtaining explicit consent from your website visitors.


Before configuring the LinkedIn Tag in MTM, ensure the following is in place:

Define the LinkedIn Insights Tag

  1. In Matomo Tag Manager, navigate to Tags.
  2. Click Create New Tag and choose the LinkedIn Insights Tag.
  3. Provide a descriptive name and enter your LinkedIn Partner ID.
  4. It is optional to enter the Conversion ID to record a specific conversion when this tag executes.
  5. In the section, Configure when the tag should do this, choose the trigger that will execute the tag, e.g., a custom event trigger could fire the tag when a LinkedIn Ad is clicked.
    linkedin insights tag matomo tag manager
  6. Click Create New Tag to save.

Test and Publish

  • Use the Preview and Debug mode in Matomo Tag Manager to test your configuration.
  • Perform the actions on your website that are supposed to trigger the LinkedIn Insights Tag (e.g., ad click).
  • In the Preview panel, open the Tags tab to confirm the LinkedIn Insights Tag is firing when expected.
  • Go to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account and view the reports for the recorded actions.
  • Once successfully set up, publish the changes to your live environment.
Previous FAQ: How to configure the Hotjar Tag in Matomo Tag Manager