The etracker Tag in Matomo Tag Manager allows you to send visitor interactions to your etracker analytics platform. This integration provides flexibility to manage and deploy your etracker configuration directly through Matomo Tag Manager.

This guide explains how to configure and test your etracker Tag in Tag Manager.

Define the etracker Tag

  1. In Matomo Tag Manager, navigate to Tags and click Create New Tag.
  2. Choose the etracker Tag and provide a descriptive name.
  3. Select the Tracking Type and complete the specific fields displayed for the selection.
  4. Click Create New Variable to automatically set up the default etracker Configuration Variable.
  5. In the variable configuration, enter your etracker ID (found in etracker > Account > Account key).
  6. The setting, Block cookies by default ensures compliance with privacy regulations. You can integrate a Consent Management Platform (CMP) with Matomo Tag Manager to enable cookies based on user consent.
  7. If your implementation requires specific customisations, you can overwrite the default tracking values with custom variables.
  8. Click Create New Variable to save and return to the etracker Tag setup screen.
  9. In the section, Configure when the tag should do this, select an existing trigger or create a new trigger. Triggers fire when a visit or action occurs (e.g., a page view or button click), executing the associated tag.
    etracker tag in matomo tag manager
  10. Save the new tag.
  11. Before publishing the changes live, test the setup to ensure the tag is firing correctly and capturing the intended data.

Tracking Types

Each tracking type in the etracker Tag configuration is designed for different use cases, such as tracking pageviews, user interactions, transactions, or virtual events. Choosing the appropriate tracking type ensures you capture the right data for your analytics reports.
etracker tag tracking types


The most common option for tracking when pages are viewed. No additional configuration is required when selecting this tracking type.


The Wrapper tracking type is designed for advanced tracking scenarios, including virtual pageviews. This option allows you to define multiple parameters that provide detailed information about user interactions, transactions, and page activity.

Complete the fields required for your specific tracking needs. Each field corresponds to a specific tracking dimension, enabling etracker to process and correctly display reports.


When you track specific interactions, such as button clicks, video plays, or downloads, use the Event fields to structure your etracker Events report:

  • etracker Category: The group or category of the event (e.g., Videos or Forms).
  • etracker Object: The specific element being tracked within the category (e.g., Play Button or Submit Form).
  • etracker Action: The type of interaction performed (e.g., Click or Submission).
  • etracker Type: The event’s specific type or name, such as the value of a submitted form or a unique identifier for the interaction.


You can track completed purchases to monitor and analyse sales performance and customer behaviour. Specify the order status you want to track, such as sale, lead, cancellation, or partial cancellation and complete the order fields as required.

For testing, you can check the box to enable the etracker Ecommerce Debug Mode.

Ecommerce Event – Add to cart

This tracking type captures interactions when users add products to their shopping cart. It provides insights into shopping behaviour and helps you optimise the user journey. When configuring this event, will need to define the following fields:

  • Product Object: Provide the dataLayer object of the product (according to etracker’s structure). This object should include product details such as name, ID, price, and category.
  • Number: Specify the quantity of products added to the cart. If no value is provided, the default is set to 1.

Form Tracking

The Form Tracking type allows you to monitor user interactions with forms on your website. Select a specific type of form tracking:

  • Conversion: Tracks when a form is successfully submitted.
  • Form View: Captures when a form is displayed to a user.
  • Field View: Tracks when individual form fields are visible or interacted with.
  • Field Interaction: Monitors user interactions with specific fields, such as clicks or keystrokes.
  • Field Error: Captures when users encounter validation errors in form fields.

Additionally, complete the following fields to provide more context:

  • Form Name: Specify the name or identifier of the form being tracked.
  • Form Data: Include relevant data about the form, such as field values or metadata, depending on your tracking needs.

Test and Publish

Use the Preview and Debug mode in Matomo Tag Manager to test your configuration.

  1. Perform the action on your website that should trigger the etracker Tag.
  2. In Preview, check the Tags tab to confirm that the etracker Tag is firing as expected when the trigger conditions are met.
  3. Check your etracker dashboard and reports to ensure that the expected interactions are being recorded.
  4. Once tested, publish the changes to your live environment.
Previous FAQ: How to configure the Google Ads Conversion Tag in Matomo Tag Manager