Heatmap and Session Recording features are bundled together by default, but you can disable the heatmaps feature independently of the session recording feature. When disabled, no heatmaps can be created or tracked any more.

Things to consider:

  • Disabling Heatmaps is applied to all the websites in your Matomo
  • All the existing heatmaps will be deleted across all your websites, including tracked heatmaps data
  • Session recordings will still work unless you disable the Session Recording feature too

Please follow the steps below to disable heatmaps:

  1. Login to Matomo as Super User
  2. Click on “Administration (cog icon on the top right)”
  3. Click on “Settings > General Settings”
  4. Scroll down to “HeatmapSessionRecording”
  5. Click on “Disable Heatmaps” check box
  6. Save

How to enable Heatmaps again?
To enable Heatmaps again, follow the same steps as mentioned above.

How to prevent super users from enabling this feature again ?
It is possible that a Super User may accidentally enable the feature again. In order to prevent this from happening, below setting could be added to the config/config.ini.php. Once the setting is added to the config.ini.php file, the option to Disable/Enable Heatmaps will not be available in the user interface any more. If you’re using Matomo Cloud, you may have to get in touch with our Cloud Support team.


Previous FAQ: Does Heatmap & Session Recording set any cookies?