Dimensions are attributes that describe specific characteristics within your Matomo (Piwik) table report. Typically, dimensions are displayed in the first column of the report and provide context to the metrics. For example, if you’re analyzing website data, dimensions could include “Browser,” “Country,” or “City.” When you configure a custom report, you can select up to three dimensions to focus on.

Configuring Custom Reports with Dimensions

To configure a custom report with dimensions:

  1. Login to your Matomo dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Report section, located in the left hand menu.
  3. Select up to three dimensions that you want to analyze, such as “Browser“, “Country“, and “City.
  4. Customize your report metrics to tailor the report to your specific needs.

Matomo Custom Report Dimensions

You will find a list of supported dimensions in the Glossary. Please note that the complete list of dimensions is not listed in the glossary, but the list of “Reports” is quite similar to what dimensions are available to use in Custom Reports.

Viewing Dimensions in Reports

When you select a dimension, such as “Browser,” you will see a row for each unique browser that was tracked. Each browser’s name will appear in the first column, and the corresponding metrics for each browser will be displayed in the columns adjacent to it.


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