How Accurate Data from Matomo Helps CRO:NYX Digital Make Better Decisions

When CRO:NYX Digital found that Google Analytics wasn’t capturing accurate data from their campaigns, they switched to Matomo.

Matomo’s privacy-friendly features and reliable data collection helped them overcome their tracking issues, gain clear insights into their advertising performance, and make better data-driven decisions. 

About CRO:NYX Digital

CRO:NYX Digital is a global marketing agency and HubSpot Platinum Solutions Partner specialising in web development, design and online advertising.  

CRO:NYX Digital Homepage

Led by Tanya Wigmore, the Chief Growth Officer, the agency focuses on helping businesses maximise their online presence and achieve measurable results. 

Struggling with inaccurate data in Google Analytics 

When CRO:NYX Digital started running ads on the Brave browser, they had trouble measuring the impact of their campaigns. Google Analytics couldn’t track traffic from Brave users accurately because Brave blocks third-party cookies.  

This led to incomplete data and an unclear picture of how well their ads were performing. They needed a solution that could provide accurate data while respecting user privacy. 

Choosing Matomo for accurate data and reliable results 

To solve this problem, CRO:NYX Digital turned to Matomo. Unlike Google Analytics, Matomo uses first-party cookies by default, which works well with Brave’s privacy-first approach. This allowed CRO:NYX Digital to capture accurate data from Brave users without compromising their privacy. 

Implementation and Results 

Matomo vs Google Analytics data comparison: One day of organic traffic from Brave 

CRO:NYX Digital compared a single day of non-boosted traffic and found that Google Analytics missed 6,837 users, approximately 9.8% of the total tracked by Matomo. 

Google Analytics
Number of users recorded

Matomo vs Google Analytics data comparison: Paid traffic campaign 

During a Brave browser takeover campaign, Google Analytics recorded only about 600 visitors for the day, while Matomo recorded nearly 71,000 visitors. 

This represents a discrepancy of over 11,700%, highlighting the importance of using Matomo for accurate data collection. 

“With the shift to first-party cookies and more users seeking private browsing, gathering accurate analytics data through platforms like Google Analytics has been a real challenge,” says Tanya. “We’re so glad that we’ve found Matomo to help bridge that gap to provide accurate, first-party data for our clients.”

CRO:NYX Digital gets more than traditional web analytics with Matomo 

Matomo not only provided accurate data but also offered deeper insights into visitor profiles. CRO:NYX Digital could analse various metrics, such as: 

  • Device: Types of devices used by visitors 
  • Location: Geographical distribution of visitors 
  • Browser: Browser types used by visitors 
  • Session Duration: Length of user sessions 
  • Pageviews: Number of pages viewed during a session 
Screenshot of CRO:NYX Digital Visitor Log in Matomo

These insights helped CRO:NYX Digital identify high-quality prospects and optimise their campaigns based on user behaviour and demographics. 

Big wins with Matomo 

By switching to Matomo, CRO:NYX Digital overcame the challenge of measuring campaign effectiveness while maintaining user privacy.  

Matomo’s ability to use first-party cookies by default ensured that CRO:NYX Digital captured accurate and comprehensive data, providing valuable insights into their audience.  

Choosing the right web analytics tool is essential to meet evolving privacy standards and drive business growth. Matomo stands out as a reliable solution for privacy-first data collection, ensuring accurate insights and robust analytics while prioritising user privacy. 

"With the shift to first-party cookies and more users seeking private browsing, gathering accurate analytics data through platforms like Google Analytics has been a real challenge. We're so glad that we've found Matomo to help bridge that gap to provide accurate, first-party data for our clients."
Tanya Wigmore - CRO NYX Digital
Tanya Wigmore
Chief Growth Officer at CRO:NYX Digital
"With the shift to first-party cookies and more users seeking private browsing, gathering accurate analytics data through platforms like Google Analytics has been a real challenge. We're so glad that we've found Matomo to help bridge that gap to provide accurate, first-party data for our clients."
Tanya Wigmore - CRO NYX Digital
Tanya Wigmore
Chief Growth Officer at CRO:NYX Digital