From GA4 to Matomo: Barn2 Plugins' Path to Accurate & Reliable Web Analytics

Barn2 Plugins, a creator of WordPress and WooCommerce plugins, faced significant challenges with unreliable data from Google Analytics. By switching to Matomo, they gained accurate, granular insights, and advanced features transforming their decision-making processes. 

About the Barn2 Plugins 

Barn2 Plugins creates innovative WordPress and WooCommerce plugins to enhance websites. Also known for their excellent customer support, they stand out in the industry by ensuring users receive the help they need to optimise their websites. 

Barn2 Plugins Team Photo

The challenge of unreliable data 

Barn2 Plugins, led by Marketing Manager Diego Rivera, struggled with the increasing unreliability and inaccuracy of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). “When I started looking for other web analytics options, the initial error was somewhere in the 50% neighbourhood. We were seeing half the numbers in GA. It was just complete nonsense.”  

This significant discrepancy made it impossible to trust GA4’s data for making informed decisions. Diego noted, “It was just a mess, and it was not workable.” 

The lack of precise data led to frustration and inefficiency. Barn2 Plugins needed a tool that could provide accurate, granular data to inform their decision-making, and be flexible enough to customise for tracking different funnels and strategies effectively. 

The search for a trustworthy solution 

After exploring several options, Barn2 Plugins decided to try Matomo, attracted by its open-source nature and the availability of a free trial. “Matomo was more trustworthy to me because they’re showing me the code. So clearly, they’re proud enough of their code to show it, and they’re not doing anything weird with it,” Diego explained.  

The straightforward setup process also played a crucial role: “It was so easy to set up that I thought I was doing it wrong until it started to capture the sessions and, okay, that was it. That just feels like such a quick win.” 

Screenshot example of the Matomo dashboard

Matomo’s accuracy was immediately evident, surpassing GA4 in delivering reliable data. The ability to create custom reports provided excellent visibility into their video acquisition and other metrics. Additionally, the advanced features like Heatmaps and A/B Testing proved invaluable for their designers, allowing them to settle decisions quickly and efficiently. 

Accurate data leads to better decisions 

With Matomo, Barn2 Plugins could finally answer long-standing questions about their website’s design and user experience. The ease of performing A/B tests enabled them to optimise various elements on their site efficiently.  

Diego highlighted, “We’ve had several questions for a long time that we can now settle. Should this little bar be here or be a little bit below? Or will this convert better here or there? And just the ease of doing that is amazing.” 

The results 

Barn2 Plugins now accurately tracks which blogs, initiatives, affiliates, and referrals drive the most traffic and conversions. This clarity in data has led to better decision-making, ensuring their marketing efforts are well-targeted and successful. The shift to Matomo has empowered Barn2 Plugins to maximise their resources, bringing in more customers and increasing revenue without additional investment. 

A confident future with advanced features 

Switching to Matomo transformed Barn2 Plugins’ approach to web analytics. By providing accurate, reliable, and granular data, Matomo enabled them to refine their strategies and make informed decisions confidently. Diego and his team now enjoy the benefits of advanced features like Heatmaps and A/B Testing, driving their business forward with precision and efficiency. 

Barn2 Plugins now enjoys the benefits of trustworthy insights, driving their business forward with precision and efficiency, and the advanced features Matomo offers have given them newfound confidence in their data. 

"Now we feel we have data that we're confident in to evaluate and update our strategy. We can tell which blogs, efforts, initiatives, affiliates, referrals, etc., and we make better decisions.”
Diego Rivera at Barn2 Plugins Headshot
Diego Rivera
Marketing Manager at Barn2 Plugins