Install Matomo with 1-click using Installatron


We are proud to announce that Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) is now available as one click install from Installatron!

Installatron is a one-click web application installer that enables Matomo and other top web applications to be instantly installed and effortlessly managed. Get Matomo up and running on your website in seconds and discover just how easy Installatron makes it to manage web applications. Matomo installations managed by Installatron can updated (manually or automated), cloned, backed up and restored, edited to change installation parameters, and more.

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Many web hosting providers provide Installatron through their web hosting control panel. If Installatron is not available from your provider, you can use Installatron directly from

To install Matomo through your web hosting provider’s control panel (if available):

  • Login to your web host’s control panel,
  • navigate to “Installatron”, click “Piwik”, and choose the “Install this application” option.
  • Change any of the install prompts to customize the install. For
    example, you can choose a different default language for Matomo.
  • Click the “Install” button to begin the installation process. You
    will be redirect to a progress page where you can watch as Matomo is
    installed within a few seconds to your website.

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You can also install Matomo directly from, by navigating to Matomo @Installatron and choose the “Install this application” option. After filling in your FTP and Mysql information, you will be redirect to a progress page where you can watch as Matomo is installed within a few seconds to your website. After the installation, you may wish to change your  FTP, Mysql password.

If you experience any problems or want to share your experience using Matomo and Installatron together, email the Installatron team at: feedback (at)

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A powerful web analytics platform that gives you and your business 100% data ownership and user privacy protection.

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