New version of Matomo! Why you should upgrade


Today we are happy to release a new version of Matomo: 0.2.17. It includes more than 30 bug fixes and new features. See an online demo or Download the new version today!.
The main changes are:

  • more than 30 bug fixes (we fixed most of the open bugs!)
  • you can publish your stats in widgets (embedded in iframe) for all existing widgets. Click on the widget link on the top of the screen (example of such a widget below)
  • you can now select the language from the User Interface
  • … and choose between 12 available languages: English, Deutsch, Espańol, Français, Italiano, ??? (japanese), Nederlands, Polski, Portuguęs, ??????? (Russian), and ?????????? (Ukrainian).
    If you want to translate Matomo (Piwik) into your language or contribute to an existing translations, please contact Noah (our awesome translation coordinator) on translations (at)
  • Matomo now detects Google Chrome
  • … and looks nice in Chrome/Safari
  • the Installer will now create the MySQL DB for you
  • and we’ve introduced an Upgrade mechanism, so you can now easily upgrade from any version to the very latest that’s available.

Most of these changes were already available in SVN and beta testers were enjoying them for a while, but we wanted to wait to finalize the Upgrade mechanism before releasing it publicly (so you can all upgrade easily).

How can I show widgets of my Matomo web analytics reports?
Just click on “Widgetize” on the top of your Matomo (or here for a demo) and simply preview the available widgets! Here is the widget that lists your unique visitors by country:

Note: for your reports to be publicly available you have to give anonymous users the right to view your reports (in Admin > Users).

How do I upgrade Matomo?

To upgrade Matomo, simply download the latest available version. Extract the .zip, upload the new Matomo files by overwriting your existing Matomo files and making sure your config/config.ini.php stays unchanged (it should by default). Go to and click on continue. You’re done! :)

How do I know which version of Matomo I’m using?

If you look in the HTML source of Matomo you’ll see a META tag with the version number:

<meta name="generator" content="Matomo 0.2.16" />

If you can’t see this tag then you are using Matomo <= 0.2.9. If this is the case, we strongly recommend that you update to the latest version (download).

How do I know when new versions are released?

Subscribe to the Changelog page RSS feed. You can also suscribe to the blog (by rss or email – see the sidebar of this blog), or to register to the piwik-hackers mailing list (more info on the developer section). We will be adding an update check mechanism in Matomo so that you are notified when new versions of Matomo are published directly in the Matomo UI.

What’s coming next?

We are aiming to fix more open bugs in the next releases and introduce an Update check in the UI so that you are notified when new versions are published. We are also working on a couple of other exciting new features (stay tuned on the blog for more details!).

Screenshot of the current release:

For any feedback, suggestion or messages of love, please contact us at

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