APIs Guide: Analytics API

This page is a hub space linking to the Analytics API guides. There are two main APIs in Matomo Analytics Web API: used to request all Matomo reports and to manage (add, update, delete) websites, users, permissions, email reports, etc. T...

FAQ: Set up login with SAML authentication

…multiple Matomo instances. If you’d like to use this feature, you must specify special values for SAML access attributes. For example: view: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:1,2,3;myotherserver.com:all admin: myMatomoserver.whatever.com:all;mythirdserver.com:3,4 superuser: myotherserver.com;myotherserver.com/otherMatomo If you don’t…

FAQ: How do I Install Matomo with Plesk

…following command in the Command field, edit the command to match your needs first. /opt/plesk/php/8.1/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/console core:archive –no-ansi >> /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/logs/cron-matomo-archive.log The path typically for Plesk will be /var/www/vhosts/domain. If you…

FAQ: Installing Matomo On-Premise

…type > Binary). All files can be uploaded to a “analytics” sub-directory in your public www folder, for example http://yourdomain.org/analytics/ or you could setup Matomo in its own subdomain and…

FAQ: Import Google Search keywords in Matomo

www.) and multiple protocols (e.g., http, https, ftp). It covers a broader scope of your website. –URL Prefix: This option includes only URLs with the specified prefix, including the protocol…

FAQ: Setting up accurate visitors geolocation

…accurate. Also, if you’re using the free database, your results won’t be as complete and accurate as the commercial ones. If you feel this additional accuracy would be helpful to…

FAQ: Configure Privacy Settings in Matomo

…Privacy Policy template here for Matomo users that you can copy on your site. Learn more about a GDPR compatible privacy policy in How to complete your privacy policy with…

FAQ: Graphs and visualisations in Matomo

…which will open a detailed view of the historical values for this specific row: You can also compare several rows together, for example to compare Browser market share over the…