FAQ: Is Matomo Analytics HIPAA compliant?

…need to be compliant with HIPAA in the US (and other privacy regulations like GDPR). To be compliant with HIPAA you will need to follow these steps at least: Download

Blog: Matomo Mobile now available!

…running iOS (like iPhone, iPod and iPad) or Android (1.6 or higher). Matomo Mobile in the markets: Android: http://www.androidpit.com/en/android/market/apps/app/org.piwik.mobile/Piwik-Mobile-Beta iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/piwik-mobile-2/id737216887?mt=8 Matomo Mobile is developed using Titanium and currently serves…

Blog: How to analyse 404 pages

…https://www.webassoc.org/pro-du-web. Note that this is just one technique. You could also create a custom dimension report and decide to send the 404 there also. How to get notified when a…

FAQ: How to set up conversion imports in Yandex Ads

…after you have enable offline conversion tracking After 1-2 days you would see a button “Upload offline conversion” in the “Upload tab” in “Offline Conversion” section. Set up a conversion

FAQ: Implement event tracking with Matomo

…links with the JavaScript onClick function so they look a little something like this: <a href=”mailto:name@example.com” title=”Email Us” onclick=”_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Contact’, ‘Email Link Click’, ‘name@example.com’]);”>Email Us</a> As you can see above,…