FAQ: Is Matomo Analytics PIPL compliant?

Table of contents What does PIPL consider as personal information? When does the PIPL apply? When should I care about PIPL? Are there penalties for PIPL non-compliance? To be compliant…

FAQ: Import Yandex search keywords into Matomo

…URI. This needs to be set to your Matomo URL with this special URL/query /index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processYandexAuthCode added at the end. For example: https://matomo.my-website.com/index.php?module=SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance&action=processYandexAuthCode Select the Permissions that are required for the…

FAQ: Test new Content Tracking blocks are working

…browser. You can do this by visiting a page with content tracking enabled on your website, opening your browser console and running the following command: _paq.push([‘logAllContentBlocksOnPage’]) This will load an…