Matomo Cloud Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

…data are informed of the confidential nature of the personal data and comply with the obligations sets out in this Agreement. The processor (InnoCraft) may hire other companies to provide…

FAQ: How do I send tracking requests to two or more Matomo servers?

…Matomo server: _paq.push([‘setTrackerUrl’, u+’matomo.php’]); _paq.push([‘setSiteId’, YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE]); To add a second tracking URL to Matomo, we can add the following code below it: var secondaryTracker = ‘’; var secondaryWebsiteId = YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE;…

FAQ: Include & Customize Matomo for your Project

…same as PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT. Note: open_basedir() restrictions may apply Call the API in PHP Check out the user doc about calling Matomo Rest APIs using https requests. Use a custom plugin,…

FAQ: Using Osano Consent Manager with Matomo

…status provided by Osano. Prerequisites Before following the instructions in this guide, you should already have created an Osano account and have completed the necessary steps to add the consent…

FAQ: Using Cookiebot Consent Manager with Matomo

…consent status provided by Cookiebot. Prerequisites Before following the instructions in this guide, you should already have created a Cookiebot account and completed the necessary steps to add the consent…

FAQ: Using CookieYes Consent Manager with Matomo

…the instructions in this guide, you should already have created a CookieYes account and completed the necessary steps to add the consent manager code to your website. Configure Matomo to…