FAQ: Improving Your SEO Web Vitals

…of code that is required to load. Enable text compression Text compression uses complex algorithms to reduce the file size of text-only documents such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS files….

Blog: How to track Google Ads campaigns with Matomo

…this: https://your-website.com/, your campaign URL will then look like this after adding the campaign parameters: https://your-website.com/?pk_campaign=Name-Of-Your-Campaign&pk_kwd=Your-Keyword&pk_source=google&pk_medium=cpc&pk_content=My-Ad-Headline&pk_cid=abc_1234567 As each ad URL can be fired by different keywords and can correspond to…

FAQ: How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports

…it up. Let’s create a new crontab with the text editor nano: nano /etc/cron.d/matomo-archive and then add the lines: MAILTO=”youremail@example.com” 5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive –url=http://example.org/matomo/…

Privacy Policy

Commissioner: https://www.privacy.org.nz/about-us/contact/ UK: Information Commissioner’s Office: https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/ EU: select the appropriate authority from the list provided by European Data Protection Board https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en Australia: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: https://www.oaic.gov.au/about-us/contact-us/…

Blog: Piwik is now Matomo – Announcement

…new website will be matomo.org (automatically redirected from Piwik.org) Follow our new Twitter: twitter.com/matomo_org Github: github.com/matomo-org Facebook : facebook.com/Matomo.org Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/matomo/ If you are already following us on social media,…

La confidentialité de l’analyse Web avec Matomo

…mois. Google Analytics domine l’industrie avec une part de marché de 85,3 %, associée à leurs autres produits comme Adsense, on peut constater leur influence considérable en observant comment ces…