FAQ: Setting up accurate visitors geolocation

…accurate. Also, if you’re using the free database, your results won’t be as complete and accurate as the commercial ones. If you feel this additional accuracy would be helpful to…

FAQ: How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports

…it up. Let’s create a new crontab with the text editor nano: nano /etc/cron.d/matomo-archive and then add the lines: MAILTO=”youremail@example.com” 5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive –url=http://example.org/matomo/…

Blog: How to track Google Ads campaigns with Matomo

…this: https://your-website.com/, your campaign URL will then look like this after adding the campaign parameters: https://your-website.com/?pk_campaign=Name-Of-Your-Campaign&pk_kwd=Your-Keyword&pk_source=google&pk_medium=cpc&pk_content=My-Ad-Headline&pk_cid=abc_1234567 As each ad URL can be fired by different keywords and can correspond to…

FAQ: Start tracking with a WordPress.com site that cannot use plugins

…src=“https://matomo.example.org/matomo.php?idsite={$IDSITE}&rec=1″ style=”border:0″ alt=”” /> <!– End Matomo –> 6. Replace https://analytics.example.com with your Matomo URL, for example https://mysite.matomo.cloud. It should now look like this: 7. Replace {$IDSITE} with your Matomo…

FAQ: Installing Matomo On-Premise

…type > Binary). All files can be uploaded to a “analytics” sub-directory in your public www folder, for example http://yourdomain.org/analytics/ or you could setup Matomo in its own subdomain and…

FAQ: [Video] Matomo’s Acquisitions Feature

TRANSCRIPT: So let’s say you’re a small business owner and you’re actively trying a few different digital marketing channels to promote your business. You’ve got a Facebook and Instagram page…