FAQ: Where can I get Roll-Up Reporting?

Roll-Up Reporting is a plugin for Matomo and is available for purchase on the Matomo Marketplace as a yearly subscription. While the subscription is active you will receive all updates…

Personally identifiable information guide: a list of PII examples

…used to identify an individual Anonymised data A company registration number Want to learn what PII means for you? Read this introduction to PII. Additional resources: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/omb/memoranda/2007/m07-16.pdf http://privacy.med.miami.edu/faq/privacy-faqs/what-is-personally-identifiable-information-pii https://iapp.org/media/pdf/resource_center/Categories-of-personal-information.pdf https://gdpr.eu/eu-gdpr-personal-data/…