FAQ: What if I lose my phone?

password. Other users are able to get access to your Matomo (Piwik) installation with this token. Matomo 3 The solution is to change your password within Matomo if you’ve lost…

FAQ: How do I use Custom Variables? (deprecated)

…copy any custom variables of scope “visit” in the Conversion. You can then view Conversion rates by Goal (and Ecommerce conversion rate) for each of your “visit” scope custom variables….

How Matomo Helped Concrete CMS Achieve 3x More Leads

…things that come set up in Matomo.” In addition, Matomo’s intuitive naming scheme and structural similarities to Universal Analytics eased the transition, making it a smooth and efficient process. Matomo’s…

FAQ: Privacy Implications of Location Data

…address may represent a region, while in others an IP address can represent a single physical address. So while it isn’t possible to say with 100% specificity whether an individual…